Global Culture : Frida Kahlo is life
Frida Kahlo was born on 6th July, 1907. She was a Mexican Painter. She is very well - known for her self portraits. Her life began and came to an end in Mexico, in her parents house which was known as " La Casa Azul" ( the blue House ).
on 17th September , 1925 Kahlo had a bus accident. Due to this incident, she suffered several injuries which included a broken spinal column, a broken clavicle, broken ribs and eleven fractures, among others. She was in great pain, and She had to undergo more than 35 operations as a result on this.
After her accident, she gave up her medical course of studiens in order to take up painting. She used it as a pastime during her temporary immobilisation.
When she was a younger artist, she talked to Diego Rivera, a Mexican muralist, about her art. She admired his work, and she wanted some feedback about her productions. He encouraged her to pursue art as career. Kahlo got married to Rivera in 1929.
During her life.Frida created around 200 works of art and drawings which illustrated her emotional and physical pain as well as her complex relationship with Diego Rivera. When she was asked why she had painted so many self portraits, she replied that is was because she was often alone, and that she was the person she knew best.
She died on 13th July, 1954 from a pulmonary embolism. Some people suspected that she died from an overdose. However, as an autopsy was not performed, that hypothesis was not confirmed.
Teaching sequence for children ( secuencia de enseñanza para los niños)
Level: Any ( cualquier nivel)
Pre- tasks (tareas previas)
- Analizar un retrato hecho por un pintor famoso
- antes de que muestre el retrato a los alumnos pregúnteles para activar esquemas: ¿ es mujer o hombre?, ¿ como se siente ella o el?, ¿ que es lo que lleva?,
muéstreles el retrato de Frida Khalo y pídales que comprueben sus perdiciones.
TASKS Tarea:
decirles a los estudiantes repliquen la pintura cambiando características.
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